Felix Prehn Goat Academy Review: 7 Reasons Felix Is A Fraud

Felix Prehn Goat Academy Review: 7 Reasons Felix is a Fraud

Felix Prehn and Goat Academy review. 

Are Felix Prehn and Goat Academy legitimate?

Watch this video below and learn my opinion:

In my opinion, Felix Prehn is the most dangerous predator that I've ever reviewed (worse than Teri Ijeoma).

There are 7 primary reasons why Felix Prehn and GOAT Academy are a scam:

1)Felix Prehn is a compulsive liar

In the video above, Felix Prehn talks about working on the trading floor, getting an interview at a major investment bank because of a friend and then starting the next day.

As a former investment banker who has worked at numerous Wall Street investment banks this is not how the industry works.

Felix claims that his "banker friends" make "100% a year as their normal" - yet almost all hedge funds fail to beat the S&P 500.

If his fake "banker friends" made those returns then every one of them would be the richest people on earth within a short period of time.

2) Goat Academy's trading strategy is not profitable

Using the numbers that he provided, his strategy is illogical and not even close to being profitable.

Every trade that's made using his trading strategy has a negative expected return.

3) Course Materials are Poorly Organized and Available for Free Elsewhere

Members have stated that the course materials are poorly organized and repetitive. Nothing new is taught in the course that you couldn't learn for free elsewhere.

There is nothing available in the course that you cannot learn for free elsewhere.

Additionally, Felix Prehn and GOAT Academy's trading strategy has a negative edge (meaning each trade is expected to lose money).

4) Felix Prehn uses manipulative marketing tactics

Boasting about his lifestyle, using animals to build trust with his audience and offering a fraudulent money-back guarantee and return policy that he does not honor are all examples of tactics that Felix uses to manipulate his audience.

Members MUST submit chargebacks to their credit card company and complain to their local government and law enforcement (FTC, FBI, etc.) 

When complaining to Government Agencies, you MUST provide evidence with your claims or else it will not be investigated.

5) Felix Prehn fails to understand basic trading principles

Felix makes numerous mistakes that even beginner traders would not make (such as calculating his expected profit using the maximum loss number, instead of the premium collected).

I do not believe that Felix actually trades, instead I believe he only engages in hypothetical trading. He also never shares his trading statements.

6) Nikolas Prehn, an Artist, is "Felix Prehn"

Felix is using an alias, as his real name is Nikolas Prehn.

He is described as an artist:

German artist Nikolas Prehn is internationally known for his appreciation and wonder of the natural world. 

Nikolas paints on the peak of a mountain overlooking natural lush forests and a wide ocean – this energy is captured in his art. He uses only sustainably sourced natural rock from France and pure Japanese linseed oil.

He may have owned a whiskey company, but that venture seems to have failed:

Source: https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/officers/lZ94xoGkpbugWuIEvUqq5veNrOk/appointments

Felix Prehn wine and alcohol importer

It seems that Nikolas Prehn's, grandfather (or great grandfather), Rudolf Prehn started an alcohol import / export business and Nikolas has worked there:



Ironically, he has horrible reviews in this business as well.

There is zero evidence that Nikolas Prehn / Felix Prehn has any prior finance or trading experience at all.

It seems that all his previous work experience was in either art or as an alcohol importer / exporter.

In fact, the video below shows a video, made around 2016, where he's selling wine for his Grandfather's business Viña Maria SL.

7) Felix Prehn Steals Content

As evidenced here, Felix steals other creator's content and then passes it off as his own.

Conclusion: Felix Prehn and Goat Academy Review

In my opinion, Felix Prehn from Goat Academy is a scam and he is the most dangerous predator I've ever reviewed.

Yes, I know that sounds hyperbolic, but the only person who comes close would be Teri Ijeoma from Trade and Travel.

I believe that Felix's primary intention is to take money from his audience by any means necessary.

Goat Academy members who are not satisfied should request a refund and then wait 3 days for them to respond with proof of your refund.

If they fail to refund you, then members should consider filing a chargeback with their credit card company and also filing a complaint with their local law enforcement agency and / or Government Agency that investigates scams and fraud.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Felix Prehn and GOAT Academy Reviews

What is Felix Prehn's net worth?

I would estimate that Felix Prehn's net worth is about $3 million USD, almost all of which comes from selling courses / memberships and mentorship programs etc. to his members.

Felix Prehn Reviews: Is Felix Prehn a fraud and scam artist?

In my opinion, Felix is a manipulative, narcissistic, sociopath who also happens to be a compulsive liar.

I believe he's the worst person I've ever reviewed.

Goat Academy and Felix Prehn membership and mentorship review?

In my opinion, joining the Goat Academy would be an enormous mistake. I believe that almost all of Felix's members will lose money and be denied a refund.

Options Mentoring from Goat Academy Review?

In my opinion, Felix Prehn and Goat Academy are running a fraud and scam.

Who is Felix Prehn?

Felix Prehn is actually Nikolas Prehn, an artist who started a, now defunct, whiskey company and who is the head of Viña Maria (a private label winery).

Felix Prehn Net Worth?

I would estimate that Felix Prehn is worth about $3 million USD (almost all of which is from selling courses, mentorships and memberships).

What is Felix Prehn's real name?

Felix Prehn's real name is Nikolas Prehn.

Did Felix Prehn work in trading and investment banking?

It seems that the majority of Felix Prehn's work history is in alcohol and wine sales, a business started by his grandfather, and also as a painter.

GOAT Academy Reviews?

I would not recommend GOAT Academy to anyone. I believe that you can easily learn everything taught there for free and, unfortunately, it seems that they do not honor their refund policy.

About the Author David Jaffee

I (David Jaffee) help people become consistently profitable traders while minimizing risk. Learn more about our live trade alerts and courses. I graduated from an Ivy League University and worked at some of Wall Street's most successful investment banks. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for valuable videos - BestStockStrategy YouTube Channel​. My personal website is DavidJaffee.com.

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